Friday, March 11, 2011

Starting Statistics

Here I am at the start of my own WeightLus journey. These pictures were actually taken last Sunday, and I am just getting around to posting them - it has been a busy week. A busy and stressful week - I had 3 exams and I think for the first time in my school career, I didn't overeat because of stress (something that is very common for me).

I will be posting my stats every week, along with any other information I find pertinent. Pictures of my own changes will come every month. I hope to show each of you that not only am I promoting a product, but I am promoting a product that works.

Starting Statistics
Start Date: March 5, 2011
Weight: 161 lbs
Height: 5' 7"
Size: 10
Goal Weight: 130 lbs (although I think I would be happy to be 140 lbs again).
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  1. Woo hoo!! Go Kara! You are one brave momma to take on this endeavor and post for all to see. Good luck and you're gonna rock it! :)
