Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Welcome everyone. Prevensic is a company that promotes healthy living. One very serious part of healthy living is a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your chances of many very serious and even fatal diseases. Who do you have in your life to live for... to be healthy for? Your husband, your children, your significant other, your parents, siblings, friends, how about yourself?

I have been a full time student for the last two years. One of the most shocking things I learned was in my Nutrition class in which we were told that the rising generation is the first EVER to have a lower life expectancy than their parents, this is because of the rise in obesity. This hit me hard, but still I was unable to fully change my own eating habits. I am a stress eater and going to school full time while raising four children has increased my stress level quite a bit. I have gained almost 20 lbs since I started school. I have people in my life to live for, including myself.

When I saw the presentation on WeightLus, I was immediately intrigued. Having taken many classes on biology, the human body, and nutrition, I have realized how fragile life can be. We only get one body and I knew that I wanted to change my lifestyle to a healthy one to protect my body for a lifetime. I also knew that all of these "get skinny quick with minimal effort" supplements were almost as unhealthy as just eating poorly, so I stayed away from them. WeightLus is not one of those supplements. In fact, if you eat on their diet plan WITHOUT WeightLus, you will lose just as much weight as if you were on it. WeightLus is merely a tool to help with the REASONS we overeat, it does not compensate for overeating or eating poorly. I encourage you to give it a try, but if you chose not to, and still would like to post your own HEALTHY weightloss results, and use this blog as I have intended it (a support to those wanting to make the change to a healthy lifestyle), then please feel free to comment and share.

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